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Range Filter plg_hikashop_bfrangefilter

pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-1
pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-1pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-2pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-3pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-4pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-5pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-6pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-7pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-8pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-9pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-10pkg hikashop bfrangefilter-11

This package enables you to filter product information by range of values.
Contains a System plugin and a Hikashop plugin - both must be enabled for correct operation.
Requires Hikashop Commercial.

Feature Summary (see screenshots)
Filtering on product price.
Filtering on product information (weight, dimensions).
Only numeric data entry allowed.
Optionally negative values can be disallowed.
Optional submit on carriage return.
Optional submit on type.
Optional help and input placeholder feature.
Customisable CSS.
Flexible dot (.) and comma (,) decimal point handling.