This plugin will redirect a user to a dedicated user group page following login.
If the user is in multiple user groups then the first one encountered in the plugin redirection list will be used. This redirection list is reorderable.
You can also select either of the public or the guest user groups.
However, doing so without specifying a Trigger may not be very useful.
In most situations using menu item access permissions for these user groups may be more useful.
By default the redirection will occur for the first page the user navigates to following login.
This may not always be the required behaviour as, in some cases, the user may have initiated an action (such as booking an appointment) requiring them to first login.
After login the user will be expecting the action to be completed without further intervention, this plugin will prevent that happening.
You can use the Trigger parameter to only trigger the redirection when the URL matches certain criteria.
Common Trigger values include :
- Home Page
- (^$)|(^index.php$)
- Book Appointment Action
- ^((?!nobfredirectlogin=1).)*$
Version History Summary:
- 1.0.2 - January 2022
- Initial version.